Mae Govannen na Imladris · Welcome to Rivendell!
...A perfect house, whether you like food or sleep or story-telling or singing, or just sitting and thinking best, or a pleasant mixture of them all...
—J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit
Siniaith · Recent Updates
- 2020.06.08
- I've added "Symudiad Ymddangosol y Lleuad" to the Elvish Music page, and started a compilation of videos related to The Lord of the Rings.
- 2020.05.06
- I've added "Smaointe" and "Tien Fu: Heaven's Gate" to the Elvish Music page.
Mellyn Ioer · Old Faves
- Elvish Songs and Poems
- Music from around the world that utters a hint of something fey.... Be sure to check out the other Hall of Fire pages too!
- Constructed Languages
- A giant list of conlangs from around the web. Not even close to complete!
- Cuio Edhellen!
- A textbook I'm writing to teach J.R.R. Tolkien's Elvish language Sindarin. A work in progress, but there are several completed chapters covering pronunciation, tengwar writing, and basic phrases.
- Lembas
- My attempt at an authentic recreation of the fabled Elven waybread.
- Lalaith (Mirth)
- The stuff that cracked me up circa 2004.
- The Timeless Way
- An essay about how Tolkien's Elves viewed creativity, and what that means for us.