90s Nostalgia
For some reason, I have a soft spot for the handcrafted, funky, occasionally goofy look of old homepages. This page houses my collection of links to 90s-era (or at least 90s-style) sites.
Minimalist Sites
These are sites that don't try to be particularly eye-catching; they mostly just put text on a page and they're okay with that. They tend to be restful and rather soothing.
Ardalambion, a site about J.R.R. Tolkien's invented languages
PatternLanguage.com, the website of architect Christopher Alexander
Dreamsongs.net, the website of Richard Gabriel
Maximalist Sites
These are sites that use every possible feature of HTML, because HTML is FUCKING RAD and so are gifs.
Misty's World 2.0. (Warning: homepage autoplays bangin' tunes)